Building Bridges Program

We've all heard the advice, but this is a completely different way of doing things.
It's like night and day... My relationship with my son has completely changed!
I pay over $20,000 a year for his education...and this is worth 10 times that!

Bill Gamack, 52

The Building Bridges program is a fun and meaningful experience that supports the changing nature of the parent-teen relationship. Originally designed for a purely father-son experience, during the teenage years communciation can become strained, whichever gender is involved. The program uses techniques to support parents and teens to learn about each other and themselves over the course of a weekend, as well as develop communication skills to strengthen the relationship for navigating this time together.

This program is for ALL BOYS & GIRLS whether in a good relationship with their parent, or facing some of the challenges that often arise at this time.

Next Building Bridges Dates
14/03/2025 18:45 - 16/03/2025 15:30

  • Teenagers attend with a parent, step-parent, grand-parent or mentor (teacher/coach).
  • Only one teenager attends with one parent - special one-on-one time to focus on their relationship.
  • There are 8-12 pairs in each program.
  • Weekend programs require parents attend a parent-only session on the Friday evening in order to meet other parents, facilitators and 'warm-up' for the weekend to come. 
  • Each Building Bridges program is supported by a minimum of two trained facilitators.

"The Building Bridges Course was absolutely sensational.
We learnt a lot out of it with plenty of insight and reflection, understanding my son and
I couldn't recommend it more highly. It's been terrific." ~ Vasco 43 

Next Building Bridges Program 2025

  • QLD Term 1 - March 14-16; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD
  • QLD Term 2 - Jun 6-8; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD
  • QLD Term 4 - November 21-23; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD

More About the Program

This program is a fun and enjoyable celebration of the changing nature of the parent-child to parent-teenager relationship,  with emphasis on the young people. Participants are guided on a journey that deepens the relationship and supports them to make the vital changes required at this important developmental stage in the young person's life. All engage in a fun and rewarding adventure that includes games, storytelling & healthy camaraderie. Communication, understanding others and navigating difficult situations are just some of the valuable outcomes.

“I had a wonderful time doing the program with the other participants. My son and I got to know each other on a much deeper level, which was amazing as a father, and I’m very grateful for that.”  (Dallas C, 40 something)

From this program Parents learn just how important it is to look at their own change and how much their teenager’s growth into a healthy adult depends on their ongoing development as a parent and adult. This weekend supports parents getting clear on what’s important for themselves and their teens… and how to avoid the familiar traps.

“This weekend has been really good – I didn’t expect it to be as good as this. It has broadened my view on life and given me a new perspective... it’s been great thanks!”  (Conor, 13)

With a wide variety of activities, Building Bridges opens up doors to the necessary conversations at this important time. It is a rare opportunity for all young people to be acknowledged for their unique qualities, by their parent and other adults. Young people depart feeling connected to their parent, other adults and to the spirit within them. It gives them self-confidence and hope for the future…. and what being a young adult can be for them.

“It’s about building connections, connections with my dad and with others. 
It’s a place to really be yourself, it’s really worthwhile.”  (Fletcher, 16)

Many parents arrive feeling like they are too busy and lack the skills to have much influence on their teenagers as they grow into young adult. They leave feeling proud and confident of their role on the road ahead, walking with him/her along the path, rather than telling them what to do.

Next Building Bridges Program 2025

  • QLD Term 1 - March 14-16; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD
  • QLD Term 2 - Jun 6-8; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD
  • QLD Term 4 - November 21-23; Brisbane Montessori School; Mactier St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD

The parent-child relationship is often strained during the teenage years. Some issues that may be occurring include:

  • Disconnection and passivity
  • Poor communication and rejection of others opinions
  • Disagreements, conflict and hostility
  • Bad habits and influences
  • Busyness of life causing problematic relationships

What’s required is overcoming these relationship problems together, and improving capacity to;

  • Engage with the social and academic demands at school
  • Operate powerfully & make wise choices in challenging situations
  • Understand their own unique gifts and challenges
  • Contribute to healthy family relationships
  • Speak honestly and listen clearly
  • Enjoy life, especially the struggles
  • Take personal and social responsibility

This program enables:

  • Deeper Understanding & Communication between Parents and Teens
  • Acceptance of differences
  • Ability to Handle Challenging Situations at home and with life in general
  • Young People learning the Freedom & Responsibility equation

Building Bridges is fun, engaging and helps to bring down barriers and build positive atmosphere. The young people get to hear ‘real’ stories of the adults present, and this broadens their own view of what adulthood is, and what it can mean for them in their lives and future relationships. This creates a palpable depth and connection within the group and assists participants to speak honestly and listen with empathy.

Parents and young people learn communication techniques including listening skills, strategies to handle tough situations, and courage to step out of their comfort zone and talk about issues that can be challenging.

Building Bridges is delivered within existing communities (at a school) or as a public Weekend program.

2025 Full Price: $500 per family pair. Access a $50 discount by registering a month in advance.

Upfront in full per Parent and Teen pair OR Payment Plan option over 2-3 months.

Out-of-Towners – Our programs are delivered in Brisbane. We have had many a family make a weekend of the program and this has provided an extra highlight as the evening on Saturday is specifically for the parent and teen to spend time together. If you are interested, send us an email at and we can support your planning.

To register interest for a Building Bridges Program, send an email to us (

Event Tickets

Event tickets display below while tickets are available.

Ticket Type Price Cart
Building Bridges Term 4: Early Bird (Nov 21-23) $450
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Building Bridges Term 2: Early Bird (Jun 6-8) $450
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